Source code for nvd_api.client

import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from nvd_api.low_api.api_client import ApiClient
from nvd_api.low_api.apis import ProductsApi, VulnerabilitiesApi
from nvd_api.low_api.configuration import Configuration
from nvd_api.low_api.exceptions import ApiValueError
from nvd_api.low_api.models import CpeMatchOas, CpeOas, CveHistoryOas, CveOas

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class VERSION_TYPE(Enum): """CPEs specific version range type """ INCLUDING = "including" EXCLUDING = "excluding"
[docs]class CVSS_V2_SEVERITY(Enum): """CVSS v2 severity level """ LOW = "LOW" MEDIUM = "MEDIUM" HIGH = "HIGH"
[docs]class CVSS_V3_SEVERITY(Enum): """CVSS v3 severity level """ LOW = "LOW" MEDIUM = "MEDIUM" HIGH = "HIGH" CRITICAL = "CRITICAL"
[docs]class EVENT_NAME(Enum): """"CVE associated with a specific type of change event name """ INITIAL_ANALYSIS = "Initial Analysis" REANALYSIS = "Reanalysis" CVE_MODIFIED = "CVE Modified" MODIFIED_ANALYSIS = "Modified Analysis" CVE_TRANSLATED = "CVE Translated" VENDOR_COMMENT = "Vendor Comment" CVE_SOURCE_UPDATE = "CVE Source Update" CPE_DEPRECATION_REMAP = "CPE Deprecation Remap" CWE_REMAP = "CWE Remap" CVE_REJECTED = "CVE Rejected" CVE_UNREJECTED = "CVE Unrejected"
[docs]class NvdApiClient(object): """NVD API Client class """ MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CVE_API = 2000 MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CVE_HISTORY_API = 5000 MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CPE_API = 10000 MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CPE_MATCH_API = 5000 def __init__(self, wait_time: int = 6000, request_timeout: int = 20000, max_retries: int = 3, api_key: str = None): """Constructor # noqa: E501 Args: wait_time (int, optional): max wait time (ms) after api execution. Defaults to 6,000. request_timeout (int, optional): API request time (ms). Defaults to 20,000. max_retries (int, optional): max API retry count. Defaults to 3. api_key (str, optional): NVD API 2.0 key """ configuration = Configuration() if api_key: configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = api_key configuration.retries = max_retries api_client = ApiClient(configuration) self._vulnerabilities_api = VulnerabilitiesApi(api_client) self._products_api = ProductsApi(api_client) self.wait_time = wait_time self.request_timeout = request_timeout self._last_exec_datetime =
[docs] def get_cves(self, cpe_name: str = None, cve_id: str = None, cvss_v2_metrics: str = None, cvss_v2_severity: CVSS_V2_SEVERITY = None, cvss_v3_metrics: str = None, cvss_v3_severity: CVSS_V3_SEVERITY = None, cwe_id: str = None, has_cert_alerts: bool = False, has_cert_notes: bool = False, has_kev: bool = False, has_oval: bool = False, is_vulnerable: bool = False, keyword_exact_match: bool = False, keyword_search: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, no_rejected: bool = False, pub_start_date: datetime = None, pub_end_date: datetime = None, results_per_page: int = 2000, start_index: int = None, source_identifier: str = None, version_end: str = None, version_end_type: VERSION_TYPE = None, version_start: str = None, version_start_type: VERSION_TYPE = None, virtual_match_string: str = None) -> CveOas: """CVE API # noqa: E501 Args: cpe_name (str, optional): CPE Name. Defaults to None. cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. cvss_v2_metrics (str, optional): CVSSv2 vector string. Defaults to None. cvss_v2_severity (CVSS_V2_SEVERITY, optional): CVSSv2 qualitative severity rating. Defaults to None. cvss_v3_metrics (str, optional): CVSSv3 vector string. Defaults to None. cvss_v3_severity (CVSS_V3_SEVERITY, optional): CVSSv3 qualitative severity rating. Defaults to None. cwe_id (str, optional): CWE ID. Defaults to None. has_cert_alerts (bool, optional): contain a Technical Alert from US-CERT. Defaults to False. has_cert_notes (bool, optional): contain a Vulnerability Note from CERT/CC. Defaults to False. has_kev (bool, optional): appear in CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog. Defaults to False. has_oval (bool, optional): contain information from MITRE's Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). Defaults to False. is_vulnerable (bool, optional): returns only CVE associated with a specific CPE. Defaults to False. keyword_exact_match (bool, optional): returns any CVE where a word or phrase. Defaults to False. keyword_search (str, optional): a word or phrase is found in the current description. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. no_rejected (bool, optional): return the CVE API includes CVE records with the REJECT or Rejected status. Defaults to False. pub_start_date (datetime, optional): search by published date. Defaults to None. pub_end_date (datetime, optional): search by published date. Defaults to None. results_per_page (int, optional): max number of records (default is 2000). Defaults to None. start_index (int, optional): the index of the first match string. Defaults to None. source_identifier (str, optional): returns CVE where the exact value of sourceIdentifier appears. Defaults to None. version_end (str, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_end_type (VERSION_TYPE, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_start (str, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_start_type (VERSION_TYPE, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. virtual_match_string (str, optional): CVE more broadly than cpeName. Defaults to None. Returns: AsyncResult: API Result """ if type(cvss_v2_severity) == CVSS_V2_SEVERITY: cvss_v2_severity = cvss_v2_severity.value if type(cvss_v3_severity) == CVSS_V3_SEVERITY: cvss_v3_severity = cvss_v3_severity.value if type(version_start_type) == VERSION_TYPE: version_start_type = version_start_type.value if type(version_end_type) == VERSION_TYPE: version_end_type = version_end_type.value last_mod_start_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_start_date) last_mod_end_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_end_date) pub_start_date = self._convert_datetime(pub_start_date) pub_end_date = self._convert_datetime(pub_end_date) self._verify_cvss_severity(cvss_v2_severity, cvss_v3_severity) self._verify_cvss_metrics(cvss_v2_metrics, cvss_v3_metrics) self._verify_last_mod_dates(last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date) self._verify_pub_dates(pub_start_date, pub_end_date) self._verify_vulnerable(is_vulnerable, cpe_name) self._verify_keyword(keyword_exact_match, keyword_search) self._verify_version_start(version_start, version_start_type) self._verify_version_end(version_end, version_end_type) has_cert_alerts = "" if has_cert_alerts else None has_cert_notes = "" if has_cert_notes else None has_kev = "" if has_kev else None has_oval = "" if has_oval else None is_vulnerable = "" if is_vulnerable else None keyword_exact_match = "" if keyword_exact_match else None no_rejected = "" if no_rejected else None kwargs = dict(cpe_name=cpe_name, cve_id=cve_id, cvss_v2_metrics=cvss_v2_metrics, cvss_v2_severity=cvss_v2_severity, cvss_v3_metrics=cvss_v3_metrics, cvss_v3_severity=cvss_v3_severity, cwe_id=cwe_id, has_cert_alerts=has_cert_alerts, has_cert_notes=has_cert_notes, has_kev=has_kev, has_oval=has_oval, is_vulnerable=is_vulnerable, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, no_rejected=no_rejected, pub_start_date=pub_start_date, pub_end_date=pub_end_date, results_per_page=results_per_page, start_index=start_index, source_identifier=source_identifier, version_end=version_end, version_end_type=version_end_type, version_start=version_start, version_start_type=version_start_type, virtual_match_string=virtual_match_string, _request_timeout=self.request_timeout) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} # Noneは削除 logger.debug(f"execute cves api : kwargs={kwargs}") self._sleep() ret = self._vulnerabilities_api.get_cves(**kwargs) self.update_last_exec_datetime() logger.debug(f"execute cves api : response={ret}") return ret
[docs] def get_cve_history(self, change_start_date: datetime = None, change_end_date: datetime = None, cve_id: str = None, event_name: EVENT_NAME = None, results_per_page: int = None, start_index: int = None) -> CveHistoryOas: """CVE Change History API # noqa: E501 Args: change_start_date (datetime, optional): search by changed date. Defaults to None. change_end_date (datetime, optional): search by changed date. Defaults to None. cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. event_name (EVENT_NAME, optional): returns all CVE associated with a specific type of change event. Defaults to None. results_per_page (int, optional): max number of records (default is 5000). Defaults to None. start_index (int, optional): the index of the first match string. Defaults to None. Returns: CveHistoryOas: API Result """ if type(event_name) == EVENT_NAME: event_name = event_name.value change_start_date = self._convert_datetime(change_start_date) change_end_date = self._convert_datetime(change_end_date) self._verify_change_dates(change_start_date, change_end_date) kwargs = dict(change_start_date=change_start_date, change_end_date=change_end_date, cve_id=cve_id, event_name=event_name, results_per_page=results_per_page, start_index=start_index, _request_timeout=self.request_timeout) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} # Noneは削除 logger.debug(f"execute cve history api : kwargs={kwargs}") self._sleep() ret = self._vulnerabilities_api.get_cve_history(**kwargs) self.update_last_exec_datetime() logger.debug(f"execute cve history api : response={ret}") return ret
[docs] def get_cpes(self, cpe_name_id: str = None, cpe_match_string: str = None, keyword_exact_match: bool = False, keyword_search: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, match_criteria_id: str = None, results_per_page: int = None, start_index: int = None) -> CpeOas: """CPE API # noqa: E501 Args: cpe_name_id (str, optional): specific CPE record UUID. Defaults to None. cpe_match_string (str, optional): CPE Name. Defaults to None. keyword_exact_match (bool, optional): if CPE exactly match or not. Defaults to None. Defaults to False. keyword_search (str, optional): a word or phrase is found in the metadata title or reference links. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search CPE by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search CPE by modified date. Defaults to None. match_criteria_id (str, optional): search CPE by uuid. Defaults to None. results_per_page (int, optional): max number of CPE records (default is 10000). Defaults to None. start_index (int, optional): the index of the first match string. Defaults to None. Returns: CpeOas: API Result """ last_mod_start_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_start_date) last_mod_end_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_end_date) self._verify_last_mod_dates(last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date) self._verify_keyword(keyword_exact_match, keyword_search) keyword_exact_match = "" if keyword_exact_match else None kwargs = dict(cpe_name_id=cpe_name_id, cpe_match_string=cpe_match_string, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id, results_per_page=results_per_page, start_index=start_index, _request_timeout=self.request_timeout) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} # Noneは削除 logger.debug(f"execute cpes api : kwargs={kwargs}") self._sleep() ret = self._products_api.get_cpes(**kwargs) self.update_last_exec_datetime() logger.debug(f"execute cpes api : response={ret}") return ret
[docs] def get_cpe_match(self, cve_id: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, match_criteria_id: str = None, results_per_page: int = None, start_index: int = None) -> CpeMatchOas: """Match Criteria API # noqa: E501 Args: cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. match_criteria_id (str, optional): specific by UUID. Defaults to None. results_per_page (int, optional): max number of records (default is 5000). Defaults to None. start_index (int, optional): the index of the first match string. Defaults to None. Returns: CpeMatchOas: API Result """ last_mod_start_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_start_date) last_mod_end_date = self._convert_datetime(last_mod_end_date) self._verify_last_mod_dates(last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date) kwargs = dict(cve_id=cve_id, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id, results_per_page=results_per_page, start_index=start_index, _request_timeout=self.request_timeout) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} # Noneは削除 logger.debug(f"execute cpe match api : kwargs={kwargs}") self._sleep() ret = self._products_api.get_cpe_match(**kwargs) self.update_last_exec_datetime() logger.debug(f"execute cpe match api : response={ret}") return ret
[docs] def get_all_cves(self, cpe_name: str = None, cve_id: str = None, cvss_v2_metrics: str = None, cvss_v2_severity: CVSS_V2_SEVERITY = None, cvss_v3_metrics: str = None, cvss_v3_severity: CVSS_V3_SEVERITY = None, cwe_id: str = None, has_cert_alerts: bool = False, has_cert_notes: bool = False, has_kev: bool = False, has_oval: bool = False, is_vulnerable: bool = False, keyword_exact_match: bool = False, keyword_search: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, no_rejected: bool = False, pub_start_date: datetime = None, pub_end_date: datetime = None, source_identifier: str = None, version_end: str = None, version_end_type: VERSION_TYPE = None, version_start: str = None, version_start_type: VERSION_TYPE = None, virtual_match_string: str = None) -> CveOas: """All CVE API # noqa: E501 Args: cpe_name (str, optional): CPE Name. Defaults to None. cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. cvss_v2_metrics (str, optional): CVSSv2 vector string. Defaults to None. cvss_v2_severity (CVSS_V2_SEVERITY, optional): CVSSv2 qualitative severity rating. Defaults to None. cvss_v3_metrics (str, optional): CVSSv3 vector string. Defaults to None. cvss_v3_severity (CVSS_V3_SEVERITY, optional): CVSSv3 qualitative severity rating. Defaults to None. cwe_id (str, optional): CWE ID. Defaults to None. has_cert_alerts (bool, optional): contain a Technical Alert from US-CERT. Defaults to False. has_cert_notes (bool, optional): contain a Vulnerability Note from CERT/CC. Defaults to False. has_kev (bool, optional): appear in CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog. Defaults to False. has_oval (bool, optional): contain information from MITRE's Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL). Defaults to False. is_vulnerable (bool, optional): returns only CVE associated with a specific CPE. Defaults to False. keyword_exact_match (bool, optional): returns any CVE where a word or phrase. Defaults to False. keyword_search (str, optional): a word or phrase is found in the current description. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. no_rejected (bool, optional): return the CVE API includes CVE records with the REJECT or Rejected status. Defaults to False. pub_start_date (datetime, optional): search by published date. Defaults to None. pub_end_date (datetime, optional): search by published date. Defaults to None. source_identifier (str, optional): returns CVE where the exact value of sourceIdentifier appears. Defaults to None. version_end (str, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_end_type (VERSION_TYPE, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_start (str, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. version_start_type (VERSION_TYPE, optional): return only the CVEs associated with CPEs in specific version ranges. Defaults to None. virtual_match_string (str, optional): CVE more broadly than cpeName. Defaults to None. Returns: AsyncResult: API Result """ limit = self.MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CVE_API response = self.get_cves(start_index=0, results_per_page=limit, cpe_name=cpe_name, cve_id=cve_id, cvss_v2_metrics=cvss_v2_metrics, cvss_v2_severity=cvss_v2_severity, cvss_v3_metrics=cvss_v3_metrics, cvss_v3_severity=cvss_v3_severity, cwe_id=cwe_id, has_cert_alerts=has_cert_alerts, has_cert_notes=has_cert_notes, has_kev=has_kev, has_oval=has_oval, is_vulnerable=is_vulnerable, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, no_rejected=no_rejected, pub_start_date=pub_start_date, pub_end_date=pub_end_date, source_identifier=source_identifier, version_end=version_end, version_end_type=version_end_type, version_start=version_start, version_start_type=version_start_type, virtual_match_string=virtual_match_string) if response.total_results >= limit: count = response.total_results // limit + 1 for start_index in range(1, count): r = self.get_cves( start_index=start_index, results_per_page=limit, cpe_name=cpe_name, cve_id=cve_id, cvss_v2_metrics=cvss_v2_metrics, cvss_v2_severity=cvss_v2_severity, cvss_v3_metrics=cvss_v3_metrics, cvss_v3_severity=cvss_v3_severity, cwe_id=cwe_id, has_cert_alerts=has_cert_alerts, has_cert_notes=has_cert_notes, has_kev=has_kev, has_oval=has_oval, is_vulnerable=is_vulnerable, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, no_rejected=no_rejected, pub_start_date=pub_start_date, pub_end_date=pub_end_date, source_identifier=source_identifier, version_end=version_end, version_end_type=version_end_type, version_start=version_start, version_start_type=version_start_type, virtual_match_string=virtual_match_string) response.vulnerabilities.extend(r.vulnerabilities) return response
[docs] def get_all_cve_history(self, change_start_date: datetime = None, change_end_date: datetime = None, cve_id: str = None, event_name: EVENT_NAME = None,) -> CveHistoryOas: """All CVE Change History API # noqa: E501 Args: change_start_date (datetime, optional): search by changed date. Defaults to None. change_end_date (datetime, optional): search by changed date. Defaults to None. cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. event_name (EVENT_NAME, optional): returns all CVE associated with a specific type of change event. Defaults to None. Returns: CveHistoryOas: API Result """ limit = self.MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CVE_HISTORY_API response = self.get_cve_history(start_index=0, results_per_page=limit, change_start_date=change_start_date, change_end_date=change_end_date, cve_id=cve_id, event_name=event_name) if response.total_results >= limit: count = response.total_results // limit + 1 for start_index in range(1, count): r = self.get_cve_history(start_index=start_index, results_per_page=limit, change_start_date=change_start_date, change_end_date=change_end_date, cve_id=cve_id, event_name=event_name) response.cve_changes.extend(r.cve_changes) return response
[docs] def get_all_cpes(self, cpe_name_id: str = None, cpe_match_string: str = None, keyword_exact_match: bool = False, keyword_search: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, match_criteria_id: str = None) -> CpeOas: """All CPE API # noqa: E501 Args: cpe_name_id (str, optional): specific CPE record UUID. Defaults to None. cpe_match_string (str, optional): CPE Name. Defaults to None. keyword_exact_match (bool, optional): if CPE exactly match or not. Defaults to None. Defaults to False. keyword_search (str, optional): a word or phrase is found in the metadata title or reference links. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search CPE by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search CPE by modified date. Defaults to None. match_criteria_id (str, optional): search CPE by uuid. Defaults to None. Returns: CpeOas: API Result """ limit = self.MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CPE_API response = self.get_cpes(start_index=0, results_per_page=limit, cpe_name_id=cpe_name_id, cpe_match_string=cpe_match_string, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id) if response.total_results >= limit: count = response.total_results // limit + 1 for start_index in range(1, count): r = self.get_cpes(start_index=start_index, results_per_page=limit, cpe_name_id=cpe_name_id, cpe_match_string=cpe_match_string, keyword_exact_match=keyword_exact_match, keyword_search=keyword_search, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id) response.products.extend(r.products) return response
[docs] def get_all_cpe_match(self, cve_id: str = None, last_mod_start_date: datetime = None, last_mod_end_date: datetime = None, match_criteria_id: str = None) -> CpeMatchOas: """All Match Criteria API # noqa: E501 Args: cve_id (str, optional): CVE ID. Defaults to None. last_mod_start_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. last_mod_end_date (datetime, optional): search by modified date. Defaults to None. match_criteria_id (str, optional): specific by UUID. Defaults to None. Returns: CpeMatchOas: API Result """ limit = self.MAX_PAGE_LIMIT_CPE_MATCH_API response = self.get_cpe_match(start_index=0, results_per_page=limit, cve_id=cve_id, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id) if response.total_results >= limit: count = response.total_results // limit + 1 for start_index in range(1, count): r = self.get_cpe_match(start_index=start_index, results_per_page=limit, cve_id=cve_id, last_mod_start_date=last_mod_start_date, last_mod_end_date=last_mod_end_date, match_criteria_id=match_criteria_id) response.match_strings.extend(r.match_strings) return response
def _convert_datetime(self, dt) -> datetime: if type(dt) == str: try: dt = datetime.fromisoformat(dt) except ValueError as e: raise ApiValueError(e) if dt is not None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None) return dt def _verify_version_start(self, version_start: str, version_start_type: VERSION_TYPE): if version_start is not None and version_start_type is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use version_start with version_start_type") if version_start_type is not None and version_start is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use version_start_type with version_end") def _verify_version_end(self, version_end: str, version_end_type: VERSION_TYPE): if version_end is not None and version_end_type is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use version_end with version_end_type") if version_end_type is not None and version_end is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use version_end_type with version_end") def _verify_change_dates(self, change_start_date: datetime, change_end_date: datetime): if change_start_date is not None and change_end_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use change_start_date with change_end_date") if change_end_date is not None and change_start_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use change_end_date with change_start_date") if change_start_date is not None and change_end_date is not None: days = (change_end_date - change_start_date).days if days > 120: raise ApiValueError( f"max date range is 120 days : start - end={days}") def _verify_last_mod_dates(self, last_mod_start_date: datetime, last_mod_end_date: datetime): if last_mod_start_date is not None and last_mod_end_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use last_mod_start_date with last_mod_end_date") if last_mod_end_date is not None and last_mod_start_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use last_mod_end_date with last_mod_start_date") if last_mod_start_date is not None and last_mod_end_date is not None: days = (last_mod_end_date - last_mod_start_date).days if days > 120: raise ApiValueError( f"max date range is 120 days : start - end={days}") def _verify_pub_dates(self, pub_start_date: datetime, pub_end_date: datetime): if pub_start_date is not None and pub_end_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use pub_start_date with pub_end_date") if pub_end_date is not None and pub_start_date is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use pub_end_date with pub_start_date") if pub_start_date is not None and pub_end_date is not None: days = (pub_end_date - pub_start_date).days if days > 120: raise ApiValueError( f"max date range is 120 days : start - end={days}") def _verify_cvss_metrics(self, cvss_v2_metrics: str, cvss_v3_metrics: str): if cvss_v2_metrics is not None and cvss_v3_metrics is not None: raise ApiValueError( "can not use cvss_v2_metrics with cvss_v3_metrics") def _verify_cvss_severity(self, cvss_v2_severity: str, cvss_v3_severity: str): if cvss_v2_severity is not None and cvss_v3_severity is not None: raise ApiValueError( "can not use cvss_v2_severity with cvss_v3_severity") def _verify_vulnerable(self, is_vulnerable: bool, cpe_name: str,): if is_vulnerable is True and cpe_name is None: raise ApiValueError("must use is_vulnerable with cpe_name") def _verify_keyword(self, keyword_exact_match: bool, keyword_search: str,): if keyword_exact_match is True and keyword_search is None: raise ApiValueError( "must use keyword_exact_match with keyword_search") def _sleep(self, wait_time: int = None): if wait_time is None: wait_time = self.wait_time dt = - self._last_exec_datetime time.sleep(max(0, wait_time/1000 - dt.total_seconds()))
[docs] def update_last_exec_datetime(self): self._last_exec_datetime =